A Guide To Hitting Restart On Your Career

Aug 18, 2022
A girl is holding a cup of coffee


You're not alone if you're feeling overwhelmed about restarting your career. The "great resignation" has arrived. Countless individuals have spent months inside with plenty of time to reflect on values, life and interests. Perhaps, you're a parent getting back into the workforce for the first time in a long time. Or, maybe you're tired of working in the career that you're in, and you feel like it's time for a change. No matter the reason, I'll cover how to overcome resume gaps, career breaks and how you can get your foot in the door in a new industry.  

Relevant: Is Your Work Taking Away Your Happiness? 


How To Overcome Resume Gaps or Career Breaks

It's scary to go back into the workforce when you've been out of it for so long. Will an employer accept your experience from 10 years ago? Do you have to climb the corporate ladder again? What if you've been unemployed for a while? If you're asking yourself these questions, you may want to look into several things. 


Return To Work Programs

 On occasions, companies, typically larger, will offer a Return To Work program or a "returnship". These returnships can provide you with a tailored learning and development program, the opportunity to shadow employees within your field and work on projects to build up your resume and support you with entering into the workforce. When applying, don't be afraid to highlight your career break. 

Australian Return To Work Programs:



Who: Professionals returning to work after a career break. 

Duration: 24-weeks, 4 days a week. 

Where: Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane, and Western Sydney.

Roles Available In Program: Risk Advisory, Financial Advisory, Tax, Legal, Consulting, Audit & Assurance. 


Macquarie Group

Who: Professionals returning to work after a career break. 

Duration: 20-weeks

Where: Sydney

Roles Currently Available In Program: Technology Division - diverse opportunities across Business Analysis, Project and Program Management, Development and Operations (DevOps), Architecture, Security and Infrastructure. 


Update Or Gain New Industry Knowledge With Courses 

VET, or vocational education and training programs, offer affordable and flexible learning options. They're recognised throughout Australia and provide a range of courses in industries such as information technology, avionics, building and construction, business, nursing, aged care fashion design and floristry.

Check out what courses your local community college or online course providers offer if you live outside Australia. 


Starting A Career In A New Industry  

If you're interested in a career change, here are some ideas to get your foot in the door of a new industry:



Look for internships on a company's career web page, LinkedIn, Seek, Indeed, Gumtree or other job sites. Don't be afraid to email employers directly and ask for an internship. Most internships are unpaid as an exchange for experience, however, I've seen recently some paid internship opportunities too.


Email Businesses

Email businesses and express interest in your desired career. Offer contracts, a project role, or an internship as a trial to get your foot in the door. You can often find contact forms on a company's website or their email on their contacts web page. 


Network and Contact Potential Employers Through LinkedIn

If you're creating a new LinkedIn account, make sure your profile is up to date, relevant and professional. Your profile is an extension of your resume. Furthermore, you may be offered a free premium trial to LinkedIn, giving you the opportunity to InMail (message) a contact you're not connected to. It's a great opportunity to take advantage of. Try creating a small, personalised video to send to your desired contact. A video will be more memorable than a repetitive text-based message.



As discussed above, courses are a great way to gain new industry knowledge if you want a career change. Moreover, taking a course related to your desired industry can show employers that you're serious about changing careers in a competitive environment.

Check out courses related to your desired field. Some courses offer internship programs and even exclusive internship programs with their business partners and contacts—for example, big fashion brands source interns at FBI college, among other fashion colleges. 

It's no easy task to get your foot in the door. But it is a job to get a job. And more often than not, it is a number's game. That being said, it's still important for you to personalise your resume and cover letter to the business that you're applying for. Remember, large companies often use Applicant Tracking Systems, which scan your resume for selected keywords and if you're compatible with the role requirements. An ATS can sometimes reject resumes due to formatting. Therefore, you must make your resume ATS friendly. 

Relevant: 7 Ways To Avoid ATS Robot Rejection On Your Resume


The Good News

The good news is that companies are starting to understand that many people experience career breaks, periods of unemployment and a desire to change careers. Employers are beginning to realise that these people have untapped talent and potential. If you encounter a company that does not, perhaps it's a good idea to not invest your time in them. Look for company's that value diversification and inclusion. 


On a final note, make sure you follow up with companies and contacts. Stay in the loop and be memorable. Show your personality, enthusiasm and empathy for people and the company. 

In digital marketing, people need to see ads at least 3 times to recognise a brand's existence. When hunting for jobs, you're selling yourself and what you can offer. Be confident, approachable and show how you can solve a company's problem your way. Don't shy away from failure. Overcoming the fear of failure will be your secret to success. 


Keep learning,
Kobi Simmat

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