Is Your Work Taking Away Your Happiness?

Aug 18, 2022
A man is looking to the left with a straight face.


You're grateful for your job. It pays the bills and supports your lifestyle and family. But, your job seems to be taking away your happiness. It could be that you're second-guessing if this is a career or position that you want to continue, or maybe your company is no longer matching your values or making you feel appreciated. Don't worry; I'll help you navigate your thoughts to decide what your next move is.



Look For New Perspectives

Start by writing a list of ten things that you like about your team and the organisation you work for. It's a tactical technique to implement a process of gratitude and allows you to see your job from different perspectives. The mind is incredibly powerful. Too often, we can get ourselves in a neural loop of negative thoughts. By locking onto one negative aspect about work, you feed the negatives and outweigh any positives. This technique will help break this and charge your own battery.

Next, write a list of three things you wouldn't like to do anymore in your job. You're going to have to do them for another month. However, you're going to work on a plan to give that task to someone else or inquire about another position that interests you more in the same company. Furthermore, write down three things at work that would be more enjoyable to do instead to increase your level of happiness and job satisfaction.

If this hasn't provided you with a new perspective and you strongly feel that you're not enjoying the career or company you're working for, ask yourself the following questions to decide if it's time to move on.



What Things Do You Care About?

 When you focus on what you care about, you'll become more motivated and improve your performance at a faster rate. What things get you excited? Can you repurpose your skills to do something you find more interesting?



Do You Feel Proud of Your Organisation?

It's important to feel proud of where you work. Do you enjoy the company culture? Are you being challenged and appreciated? Do you believe in what the company is working towards? If you feel like you can't excel in your position or company, maybe it's time to move on.



How Do You Feel About Your Boss?

In 2019, DDI's Frontliner Project surveyed more than 1,000 managers, senior leaders and individual contributors and found that 57% of employees left their job because of their manager. Do you have a good relationship with your boss? Can you express how you feel openly and without judgement?



What's Your Contribution To The Business? 

Do you feel like you contribute to the solutions of the business? Do you feel like your position matters? Are you doing work that interested you and excited you when you first took that position?



Are You Growing Your Network?

A great job will grow your network of people. If you often meet new people, you're more likely to become inspired and challenged by what others accomplish in their industry. You might even be able to learn about where you want to go next in your career!



Do You Feel Like There Is Communication Within The Business?

If there is excellent communication in the business you work for, you will feel less overwhelmed, understand the expectations and tasks to fulfil and feel a part of a team. However, if this is not the case, it's time to have a chat with your manager. If the lack of communication remains unsolved, it may be a sign to move on.



How Do You Rate Other Aspects of Your life?

Perhaps, your lack of happiness in your job is part of a deeper problem. When one area of your life lacks, other areas of your life become impacted. How is your health (physical and mental)? How are your relationships with others and yourself? Do you have a sense of spirituality? Do you feel financial pressure? Rate these aspects out of 10, including your career, and find where you need to place more of your focus.



Are You Scared To Change Careers Because of Money?

If you're concerned about money when moving into a different career, understand that your mental health will also affect your ability to earn. Perhaps, it's good to look at parallel competencies so that way you can compromise. Furthermore, It's good to look into investments to improve your wealth and secure your financial wellbeing long-term. From a very young age, we are taught to be good employees and neglect our attention on financial literacy.



Trust Your Gut

Lastly, trust your gut. You've asked the right questions to yourself and reflected on your decision. Now it's time to make changes for your wellbeing and overall happiness. Making no decision is a decision in itself. Your decision doesn't need to be right for someone else. It needs to be right for you.

A great way to learn more about yourself and what your next move should be is by conducting a personal SWOT Analysis. Check out our article, "It's Time To Do A SWOT Analysis On Yourself".


Keep learning,
Kobi Simmat

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