4 Steps To IMPROVE Your Productivity

Aug 18, 2022


It can be easy to slip into habits that negatively impact your productivity at work, especially while working from home. A healthy routine can help to ensure consistency in terms of productivity and can also help you live a happier and healthier life. 

This routine can vary from person to person. What works for you may not work for others and vice versa. However, I’ve personally found the following steps to be consistently beneficial for those who implement them, allowing them to get the most out of their workdays.

 So without further ado, here are 4 steps to help increase your productivity and get the most out of your work days.  


#1 Start Your Day With Exercise

By starting off your day with at least 30 minutes of exercise, you kick your mind and body into gear, preparing them for the challenges the rest of the day may bring. Starting your day with exercise also sets a good standard for the rest of your day and can help relieve stress by temporarily getting your mind off issues or problems that you may be facing. 

 Personally, I like to start my day with a 10km walk. I find that a long walk to start my day positively contributes to my mood and strengthens my ability to stay focused and on task, providing me with the best chance to achieve my daily goals. 

 If you’re not a morning person, consider where you could fit exercise into your schedule. Do you have enough time to work out at lunchtime or after work? 


#2 Remind Yourself Of Your Goals

 It’s important to frequently remind yourself of your goals, whether they’re goals for the next 12 weeks, for the year or even for life. Reminding yourself of those goals will help to keep you motivated and focused on doing what you can to chip away at those goals on a consistent basis. 

 A useful tip to help remind yourself of your goals is to write them down on a piece of paper and keep them in a visible area such as on a fridge or notice board. This not only helps you commit to those goals but also holds you accountable, encouraging you to consistently put in the work required in order to achieve those goals. 

 In terms of your daily goals, writing down and prioritizing the day's most important tasks will also contribute to increasing your productivity. Writing a to-do list for the daily will provide a structure for you to follow and reduce the likelihood of distraction throughout your day.  


#3 Do One Big Thing

 After reminding yourself of the long-term and short-term goals that you want to achieve, ask yourself “what is one big thing I can do today that will move me closer to achieving my goals?”.  

By doing one goal-related activity every day, you will slowly but surely progress towards the goal that you want to achieve. 

 This could be as simple as creating a plan of action, conducting some market research or even touching base with a team member or colleague. As long as you’re actively progressing every single day towards that goal, it won’t be long until you achieve it. 


#4 Collaborate With Others

Whether we like it or not, collaborating with others is essential to the success of any productive team. Instead of trying to tackle every task all by yourself, consider reaching out to your team and asking what they can do to help you as well as what you can do to help them. 

 Delegating and distributing tasks with your colleagues is a productive way to achieve your daily goals and potentially open up extra time for you to spend more time doing the things that you love. 


One Last Thing...

Implementing these 4 habits will point you in the direction of increased productivity. However, in order to start seeing noticeable results, consistency is key.  Make sure to maintain a persistent effort towards the implementation of these habits or the habits you determine are best suited to you and I guarantee you won’t be disappointed. 


 Keep learning, 

 Kobi Simmat - Director & CEO of the Best Practice Group. 

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