3 Words That Will GUARANTEE Your SUCCESS

Aug 18, 2022

We all have that one big, hairy, audacious goal that drives us every single day. It inspires and motivates us to put in that extra hour, complete that extra task, go that extra mile in order to achieve the success we’ve always dreamed of. 

But sometimes, even after all that extra effort and dedication, it still doesn’t work out.

Why? Hard work is great, but can sometimes be misdirected without the proper framework, without a relevant and effective model that is suited for you and your goals. A model of success can effectively target the areas in need of improvement, allowing you to efficiently work towards your goal and your overall success. 

 So what’s my model for success? 3 words. 

  • Competence.  
  • Confidence.
  • Commitment.

 Let me explain...




Competence is all about personal development and professional development. It’s the consistent dedication of time and effort towards acquiring new knowledge and skills in order to navigate the challenges that you may face in your personal and professional life. The way in which individuals conduct their daily development tends to differ from person to person. Personally, I like to read at least 1 hour a day on topics relevant to current challenges I may be facing in my personal or professional life. Whether that be an issue I’m having with my business or how to tackle a tough conversation with a friend or family member, books can offer a tremendous amount of information, advice and strategies to get you through.


However, others may find value in alternative forms of media such as youtube tutorials, online courses, or blogs (such as this one) in order to gain knowledge and learn new skills. Everyone has a different preference, so make an effort to find the right method for you. By wholeheartedly committing to the progression and development of your knowledge and skills, you give yourself the best chance to achieve your goals and success.




Confidence goes hand-in-hand with experience and discomfort. It’s an added benefit of having been there and done that, having put yourself in enough situations in which you’re uncomfortable, to be comfortable with the uncomfortable. Confidence is all about stepping out of your comfort zone in order to grow and expand the horizons of your capabilities.


For example, If you’re uncomfortable with public speaking, my advice would be to take as many opportunities as possible to speak in front of others. Sure, It won’t be easy the first time, It won’t even be easy the 2nd or 3rd or 4th time. However, after enough persistence and practice, you’ll eventually start to gain some confidence and become more comfortable with what you had previously been uncomfortable with. 


Consider some areas in which you could improve your confidence. What is something you’re currently not comfortable with doing that you could improve on that would help with your confidence? The more experience you have doing different things, the more confident you’ll be with trying new things.  




Commitment is making a decisive decision to give something a go and sticking with that decision regardless of the challenges that come with it. Commitment involves sacrificing other aspects of your life in order to focus on an area in which you want to improve. By actively committing to the pursuit of your goal and prioritizing that goal over other aspects of your life, you’ll give yourself the best chance of success. 


The next time you’re presented with a new task or activity, ask yourself “is this going to contribute to my success and help me achieve my goal?”. If the answer isn’t a clear and obvious yes, then consider saying no to that activity/task and prioritize working towards the goal in which you had already committed yourself to. Obviously, there are times when you should take a break, relax and refresh your mind through social events or physical activities. However, make an effort to avoid activities that could be detrimental to the pursuit of your goal. 




One thing that competency, confidence, and commitment have in common is they all require a consistent effort towards your own personal and professional development. In order to achieve what you want to achieve, whatever that may be, you must first commit yourself to that goal, be confident in the pursuit of that goal and be competent enough to achieve that goal. If you are able to consistently exhibit the qualities of these 3 C’s, you give yourself the best opportunity to achieve your goal.


Good luck and keep learning,


Kobi Simmat - Director & CEO of the Best Practice Group. 

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