10 Tips for Interns & Interview Candidates

Aug 18, 2022
A man is interviewing a lady on a video call.


If you're going into an internship or an interview, I want to tell you the top ten things that I look for as a manager and a boss. These ten things require absolutely zero talent, and they will get you way ahead of your competition.


#1  Be on time

Make sure you are on time. Arriving on time seems obvious, but there can be many influences that could impact your arrival, such as traffic or getting lost. Plan the night before. Look up the address on Google Maps and factor in time for the chance of something going wrong.

Set your alarm. Set multiple. This internship or interview could be your chance to land that job! Whatever you do, don't sleep through your alarm. I would recommend you arrive fifteen minutes early, just as you should for a typical day of work. Thirty minutes early, you're possibly a stalker. Be early. Be ready.


#2  Have a good work ethic

Don't come into an internship or interview already saying you don't want to do something or are not interested in doing that. Come to the interview with an open mind and wanting to be helpful. It's about deploying some empathy to the person you're working for and understanding they've got a huge amount of responsibility. You're going to be helping them.


#3  Make an effort

I see people who've come to work unmotivated. I then have to motivate and push them constantly. But, the less energy I've got to put in, the better because then I can direct my energy to where the team and business need it most.


#4  Project good body language 

Being self-aware of how you are sitting, talking, your facial expressions, and what you're thinking will help you create adjustments in your body language to reflect your interest and desire to join the team.

In addition, ask yourself if you can be more trusting of the people around you. They're trying to do the right thing, and you're trying to work together as a team. Ultimately being self-aware is going to help you get that job.


#5  Be energetic

You will see tons of energy from me! If you can add to the team's energy, you will lift the mood and motivation of the whole team. Look after yourself and come to work refreshed and ready to take on the day.


#6  Have a good attitude

You want to support the team and root for each other. If you see a team member that needs help, take the initiative to support them. It will boost the overall team performance. Be optimistic and see things from different points of view.


#7  Be passionate

Be motivated and passionate. If you're not enjoying the job or liking what the job will entail, it's better to walk away. Don't hang on and zap the energy out of the organisation. If you're struggling to learn to love the process. My top tip is to write a list of 10 things you love about working at your job. That's going to help you fall in love with the process.


#8  Be coachable

Be open to feedback. It's not always going to be delivered in a great way; some people need to learn how to give feedback. Nobody is perfect. The person that's coaching you will improve over time just like you will. Be ready for that feedback and implement the coach's advice to better your performance.


#9  Be prepared 

It's not just about showing up for an interview or a day of work and seeing what will happen. It's about thinking ahead, planning, getting ready for the day. Write yourself a to-do list, work out the most important goals and smash them out.


#10  Do extra

This is my top tip. Always go the extra mile. Add extra value. It's about doing great things that help people. Consider how you can put in a little bit more so that you can stand out from the crowd and so you can empathise with the people you are working for. Ask your manager or team member, "Hey, what can I do to help you right now?" It isn't easy out there, it's a pandemic. It's a global economic collapse. What can you do right now to secure your future by doing a little bit extra?


Following these tips will help you become more valuable and attractive to employers. There may be many applicants, but finding a driven and motivated individual who fits the job role is not always easy. Make it easy for the employer to pick you. Why should the company invest their money into you, and what will you bring to the team? If you're not sure, how can your employer be confident?

If you want to identify your strengths and weaknesses to better prepare for your interview or internship, check out our article, "It's Time To Do A SWOT Analysis On Yourself". A personal SWOT analysis will show you areas of improvement and the strengths you can sell to employers. 


Thanks, as always, for your time,

Kobi Simmat - Director & CEO of the Best Practice Group. 

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